
BoostSwap was the first tool in the Boost Ecosystem. With one of the best UX/UI in the industry, Boost makes Dex transactions easier and faster than ever. For a complete "How to" on BoostSwap, visit


Network - This refers to the blockchain network you are using to attempt to swap coins. The most common is Ethereum, however Binance Smart Chain (BSC), Polygon, Avalanche, and others are becoming increasingly popular.

Gas - This is a fee which is paid directly to Ethereum miners to process transactions on the blockchain. When gas is high, it usually means there is a lot of traffic on the network causing the prices to increase to meet the demand. If this is occuring, we suggest waiting until the network congestion dies down.

Slippage - This is the percentage you are willing to go up or down relative to the current price in order to ensure your trade executes. Slippage factors in both fee on transfer (see tokenomics) and market volatility due to lots of buys or sells. If you are trying to swap a fee on transfer or deflationary token, you may have to increase your allowed slippage to account for the fee taken during the swap. Click on the gear/settings icon for settings and adjust slippage tolerance accordingly.

When trading volume is high, orders may not process because of the low latency of the Ethereum network. During these times, it is advisable to set the slippage to 49% and increase the gas to "high". These do not guarantee that the trasaction will process, however they do increase the changes.

Errors - Errors usually occur when the slippage is not high enough, or if there is not enough Ethereum in the wallet to pay the gas fees. Please make sure these two items are accounted for before attempting to execute, and always leave extra ethereum in your wallet to ensure you have enough for gas on subsequent trades.

BoostSwap is the only Dex which automatically sets slippage to account for taxes on many coins!


Sometimes, a transaction will not process if the number of coins on a small cap token are not specific enough. For example, if a coin is worth $0.01 and you attempt to sell 584.39403 , you may encounter an error due to the caculation being to small to estimate the value of the fractions of the coins. If this occurs, round out the number (eg: 580 instead of 584.39403).


Occasionally, you may find that a transaction gets stuck in queue on the blockchain, often because the gas included might be too low and may need to be sped up or cancelled. If you attempt to process a subsequent transacation, it will not be processed until the previous one has been resolved. For more information, here's a good link to learn a bit more about what to do when this occurs:


If you're transaction went through, but you don't see your coins in your wallet, not to worry! Please see our Adding $Boost to your wallet section for helpful instructions on how to add a custom token to your wallet.

Last updated